Apr 28, 2021
I am thrilled to have Maria Pendolino join me on my show! She has won two SOVAS awards and awarded the 40 Under 40 Award. Maria and Ian created https://www.millennialvoiceover.com/ She is super talented and giving of her time. If you want to check out her amazing site it's https://www.voicebymaria.com/
The podcast now...
Apr 21, 2021
This guest I have been trying to get for a while and I'm super excited about my conversation with Fabian Toro! I am very honored because he never does interviews and he said yes to my podcast. I learned so much for Fabian, that I can't really put into words. It was a labor of love this episode and I hope you enjoy...
Apr 14, 2021
Holy Smokes it's my 90th episode, thank you everyone for your support! If you are thinking this is a long episode, you are correct. Why is it so long? Well when I interviewed Byron Wagner before (it was episode 35 by the way) I didn't want to split it up even more. If you know anything about Byron - he loves...
Apr 7, 2021
I'm super stoked to have Jenn Wong on the show! A talented voice actor with several credits to her name. One of my favorite games she voiced in was Call of Duty - I'm terrible at the game. We had a great conversation and she even mimics my voice! Check out here site below: http://jennwong.com/
We now have a shop and we...